Contracts, Business & Commercial Law
The Firm’s attorneys have reviewed contracts and legal documents related to E-Rate matters and were instrumental in assisting Region 7 ESC in drafting its contractual forms for its DMAC solutions® program (digital management of assessment and curriculum) offered to school districts throughout the state. SNLL has a deep understanding of the competitive procurement requirements applicable to governmental entities, including state laws such as Chapter 44 of the Texas Education Code and Chapters 791, 2254 and 2269 of the Texas Government Code (Interlocal Cooperation Act, Professional Services Procurement Act, and Contracting and Delivery Procedures for Construction Projects, respectively) as well as federal law, including the federal Uniform Guidance, 2 C.F.R. Part 200, also known as EDGAR, and USDA/TDA rules and regulations. SNLL attorneys routinely draft and update vendor packets, procurement solicitation documents, contract terms and conditions, and state and federal-required certification forms.